Dinner Key Pot Luck


Every Friday at 5 the mooring field people get together for a pot luck on one of the spoil islands that protect the marina. I left work early so I could pick up something to bring, catch the shuttle out to my boat, rig my dingy and take it to the island. I brought a variety cheesecake selection which went quickly.
The island has a floating dock and a small beach where the children played in the water.
There was a tent with picnic tables. Someone rigged gutters and barrels to catch rain water. There are a number of native plants with placards planted around the island.
Other people brought pasta, meatballs, deviled eggs, chicken on a stick, pan pizza and crackers and spread.
I got there around 5:30 and there were about a dozen people there. By the time it started getting dark there were about 40 people and the dock was stuffed with dingies.
The island is only about 1000 feet long and 100 feet wide. This is the east end looking out to the mooring field. I can just see my boat through a break in the mangroves.
This is one of the guys who anchor in the area. Quite a collection of barely floating hulls. Kind of reminds me of Mikes driveway.
This is towards the North East showing some of the more respectable anchored boats and a private marina in the background. Also a blimp was cruising over. Possibly for the football game this weekend.
Another view of the  anchored boats and the North shore of the island. The poles in the water are some experiment to promote mangroves.
This is the South side of the island and Dinner Key marina.
I had a sample of all the various dishes and some cheesecake. Some of the people are working here but most are transiting from the North to the Bahamas and points South. When it got dark I headed back as I don't have lights for the dingy, just a flashlight. I got half way back and the engine stopped. It started right up again but continued to stop every 30 seconds or so. I think the gas is past its expiration date. I did make it back successfully. I used the dingy Saturday and it worked much better, only dying once on the way back so it just needs to be used more.
It is quite warm here on Saturday, hard to believe there is a snow storm just to the North. I took a shower on the stern platform. Try that in Wisconsin in January.